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Bringing together today's challenges and opportunities is the recipe for the future success of every organization.

The market evolves at a frenetic pace, leading to the need for new organizational and operational models that allow us to respond increasingly adequately to growing volatility, proactively seize opportunities and review organizational models when circumstances require it.

To respond to this need, actions that fall under the umbrella of Business Agility have multiplied over the years, leading to different declinations and implementation plans. In short, Business Agility means the ability to respond adequately, in terms of speed and results, to the increasingly changing needs of the market.

At its basis is Agility, or the ability to adapt quickly, experimenting with new technologies, iterating solutions and incorporating the results into the operational methods of developing services and products.

In the last decade, this characteristic has often led to the association of agility with start-ups and companies with a strong digital characterization, but in today's context every company must be considered "digital", forcing it to find the most effective specific declination.

Furthermore, if until now agility has focused on people, or rather on their ability to understand the context, to capitalize on new opportunities by addressing threats, today we are at a new turning point with explosive potential: AI. (Artificial Intelligence), Artificial Intelligence.

The new challenge, which cannot be questioned but only faced with intelligence and awareness, is to best integrate the new frontiers of AI. to bring agility to the next level, providing people with a "digital travel companion" that helps and assists them in interpreting context signals, as well as the reference market.

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The goal is to become proactive, accepting that reactive management policies alone hardly allow market leadership (or in some cases survival itself) in the medium to long term.

Looking to the future, successful organizations will be those that constantly find new ways of working, empowering their collaborators and strategically integrating artificial intelligence, as well as new frontier technologies, into their processes.


Without human intelligence, there is no utility or purpose for artificial intelligence